This space is merely somewhere I can scribe my thoughts and ideas about how we think, how we may think, and then act, about 'the future'.
A few things to consider:
There is no future: Until it manifests itself upon us in the here and now, there is no 'future' in the singular. Instead, there are an infinite number of possible, plausible, and probable futures.
Once we understand this we can start deciding what our preferred future could be.
We each have 'agency': We need to understand that we each have 'agency', the ability to influence our own life conditions and chances because only then we can work towards attaining our preferred future.
There are no facts in the future: This truth is a great leveler. All of our thoughts about the future are as valid as anyone else's. However, there are helpful tools, canvases, and frameworks that can assist us in developing a process to imagine alternative futures, and land on the one we'd prefer to eventuate.
As I said at the beginning, this space is somewhere where I can gather my thoughts and ideas. I am not writing this for others, but you are more than welcome to follow this journey, ask questions, provide debate, and contribute to my own learning.
Thanks for reading this far.
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