Looking for LOAB - an AI hoax, or something more unsettling?

AI-provides so many opportunities for everyone. We don't even have to know anything about AI to benefit from it in these early days of artificial intelligence. 
We are already interacting with AI in our daily lives, whether using help forums, answering online queries, or getting suggestions for 'other products or services you may like'. Tools that help our productivity such as writing assistants and image production, video, music and speech generation are all being aided and facilitated by AI-based systems.Any technology is not, in itself, good nor evil, but it is how we, the humans use it.
As the state of affairs today shows, we left social media platforms in the hands of their creators with little to no external governance or consideration of ethics, and look where that has landed us.
Developments in the AI space are moving fast, really fast, and while people are already grappling with potential issues like plagiarism, cheating in the academic space, copyright infringement, the threat of job losses, and manipulation of video and speech to create ever more realistic 'deep fakes', we are barely scraping the surface of the potential ethics and legal implications of AI in our society.
What rules need to applied? When do we face the dilemma of an AI system being described as a sentient being? What if we lose control of our AI collaborators?
The following article is an interesting read - alarmist maybe, but still thought provoking, and unsettling.
And who is LOAB anyway? This might spark a global online quest to unmask the originator - if there is one.


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